restaurante el centro
RESTAURANTE EL CENTRO is a trademark  with NIF 54087367S and address on street Barranco de Guayadeque nº 25 35260 Agüimes, Las Palmas.
Copy Right

The source code, the graphical designs, the images, the photographs, the sounds, the animations, the text, as well as the information and the content gathered in are property of RESTAURANTE EL CENTRO and does not allow the reproduction in whole or in part of this web nor its computer processing, its distribution, dissemination, nor its modification, transformation or decompilation, without prior consent in writing by its holder, RESTAURANTE EL CENTRO. The usage for any purposes other than personal, non-commercial or home use is forbidden. All the Rights derived from the copyright are expressly reserved to the RESTAURANTE EL CENTRO.

RESTAURANTE EL CENTRO will see to the compliance of this regulation and to the correct usage of the contents presented in the portal, exercising all its civil and penal actions that correspond to each infringement or non-compliance of this Rights by the User.


RESTAURANTE EL CENTRO will not be liable for the damages of any kind arising from the use of this site. The links or hypertext that allow the User, through, to access the services offered by third parties, do not belong and are not under the control of the RESTAURANTE EL CENTRO. This entity is not liable for any information they may contain or any other effect that may derive from that information.

RESTAURANTE EL CENTRO does not take responsibility for the User’s failure to comply with any rule applicable in his access to the website and/or in his use of any of the information contained in it.

RESTAURANTE EL CENTRO may modify, without warning, the information contained in the website, as well as its configuration and presentation.

RESTAURANTE EL CENTRO is not responsible for the illegitimate use that third parties may do with the trade marks, product’s name, commercial brands that, not being property of such entity, appear in the website www.restauranteelcentro. It is not responsible either for the integrity, veracity and lawfulness of the content of the links to webs that may be accessed through

Therefore, the User is the only responsible for the usage he may carry out of the services, content, links and hypertexts included in the website
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